A minor reversal…

o/It's subtle, but can you see the difference?It seems I make army lists more than anything else these days. 40k, Battletech, Kill Team, etc., even Bolt Action (which I don't really even like), whatever my gaming obsession is on that particular day. Few, if any of...

Silver Drakes update!

o/Only five got painted before I ran out of steam...yeah that sounds about right. In response to last week's rant post, Siph kindly offered to send myself and Neverness each one of the new Primaris Lieutenants at the UK price + shipping rather than the...

It’s Lieutenant WTF?!?

o/BIG Games Workshop reveal yesterday! HUGE!! (if I'm honest...), was is it you ask: Yet another Primaris Lieutenant of course! Who'd a thunk it?Its this year's cancelled con-exclusive mini. Making it available to everybody (for once) rather than just...

So, is everybody all castled up?

With walls so low, ya gotta wonder why I even bothered...Good. Sorry to say that those fortified walls won't do any actual good, but at least they make you feel better. My beloved Wolfy and I took the weekend off, spending it up in the mountains of North Carolina...

My Bolt Action motor pool has quadrupled!

o/There's an excess of transport capacity, but not much in the way of firepower...Expanding further on my minis for unplayed armies theme, my Vickers Light Tank Mk VIb, 15 CWT truck and tilly arrived for my Bolt Action Quar 'army'. All scale nicely with each other as...