The Quar infantry are COMPLETE!!!

All of them! Yes, the entire collection...sounds quite impressive doesn't it? Or, at least it does until I admit that I only have what is pictured above...and well, technically there are more Quonsets to paint...The last batch of seven took me a bit longer than I...

Trains, (no planes) and Automobiles

For those who don't get the title reference click here.Sadly, none of my terrain will ever look this good!My Beloved Wolfy and I skipped town for a weekend to go and visit her sister and brother-in-law in Nashville, TN. Its an easy 5 hour drive (unless its pouring...

My first Astral Claws Tactical Squad is complete!

o/ Curiously (or is it sadly?), these are the most marines of a single color scheme that I've had since my 30k Alpha Legionnaires (who in the end only clocked in at a whopping 13 minis total) and the most of any single squad going all the way back to...

Almost there…

o/If it's taken this long to mostly paint just 10 friggin' guys, how inthe hell am I going to get thru the other 50+ marines?I had a marathon painting session Saturday (well, by my meager standards at least) and got the last four members of my Astral Claws' red...