Rearming the Troops (Literally)

o/Yes I know havoc champions can't use signums, but they look cool and besides, did the Astral Claws' signums really cease functioning just because they started shooting at their brethren?In and amongst the slow crawl of progress that is my painting queue, I've been...

Tres Hombres

The ML gunner was originally standing on a slab of cork,before I swapped it out for the wrecked Rhino door.It took awhile (due mainly to distraction) but I have three more painted tactical marines for the Astral claws. It all went much the same as the first three with...

To the trees!

o/Watch out for the poison ivy...I gotta bunch of 'train trees' for Christmas to use in making some traversable forests for both my 15mm 40k and Classic Battletech. As such I added hex lines for use with the latter which was something of a nightmare. Normally I only...

Astral Claws test minis

o/I had hoped to have this post out both earlier and with at least a combat squad of marines done...but Real Life (TM) happened. That said, I am rather pleased with these three and true to the memory of the handful I painted some years ago, they were fairly...

So, what to do with a non-Primaris space marine army?

The above is just a small portion of the Lions of Harlech Chapter. I do believe that there is somewhere in the realm of 4-5 fully painted companies of them.It is a valid question as out of the blue, Kushial surprised me (stunned would be more accurate) with the gift...