15mm Datasheet WIP

o/As another nightmare of a month grinds its way forward, I've had little time for painting or playing. Prettymuch the only thing I've been able to work on (mainly on lunch breaks and the rare down time at work) has been adapting more datasheets for 15mm units as a...

15mm 40k

o/We all know that nowadays I have a love/hate relationship with 40k. However 8th ed is an easy system to learn and readily available to most everyone. For awhile now I’ve wanted to try a 40k/kill team hybrid in 15mm (indeed, I’ve pondered this...

Its all about the bases…

o/I hope all of you Americans out there are all still fat and happy (and not terribly bloated) after eating all of that food on Turkey day. I know I am!The base itself is an excellent value, and that's not including the three freebee smaller bases. These-with shipping...

Why are we in this bloody expensive hobby again?

o/I finally made it to the FLGS for what seems like my annual paint restock this past Saturday, my first visit there in months! Indeed, the stores owners asked if I didn't like 'em anymore. Sad face, real life sucks. Anyways...Neverness suggested I do a blog review of...

Da NOO Masta Cheef!!

o/Da' old Masta Cheef, back in da day...Back when I semi-rage quit playing the Orks upon the release of the wretched 7th ed Ork codex, I sold the lion's share of my army, along with my Warboss 'Da Masta Cheef'. I felt he ought to be leading hiz boyz whereva...