A skull for every base…

...and a base for every type of skull!However, Madame Fury the Dominus in he background still lacks a base for herself...Not much to see here I'm afraid. I've been kinda stuck in the grip of hobby paralysis the past few days. Sadly, all I've managed to get...

Decals, Decals, Decals…

o/Progress has been a bit slow this week. Monday's hobby time was mostly spent blogging about my recent battletech game (which will post tomorrow). Aaaargh, multi-blog interference already!?! Worse yet, even though its only fucking February (and ya know,...

New Toys! So many new toys!!

Seriously, its like painting paralysis! Where do I start?? Worse yet I'm completely out of the oh-so-essential bleached bone, and am down to the last, sad dregs of my Mephiston red...but who needs those colors right? Yeah...I do. I was going to work on my...

Relictors Kill Team Debut

o/The Tau were remarkably resilient in HTH...must've been the additional,ablative layer of paint. My Relictors really need some of that!I managed to get a game in at the FLGS Saturday, and was having so much fun that photos were more or less an afterthought. As such...