My Tyranid Warrior leader for KT is complete!

o/The title says it all really. I'm quite pleased with how it turned out, and even found an old sabol tray in which to transport it (in a space that once held a space marine dreadnought).I had hoped to pop one of my last 40k cherries by fielding Tyranids for the 1st...

0-hr Games’ maps and ships for Starfinder

o/A few months back we gave the Starfinder RPG a try. My Beloved Wolfy is a RPGer far more than a mini gamer, and was thrilled to try out a new RPG for the first time in years. I've missed RPGing as well and was happy to give it a go. Unfortunately, we only managed 2...

The Fate of the Lions of Harlech?

All this needs now is it's completed Nid, and then snow flock.The 3rd part of my Base for a bug series has taken a tragic turn I'm afraid. The Lions of Harlech, a both storied and highly honorable space marine chapter, has been curiously silent for quite sometime now....


o/Lacking Fireworks, the Hive Mind instead brings tooth and talon to every occasion...My Silver Drakes decided to ring in the new year in the God-Emperor-approved way: Glorious Combat! The FLGS hosted a holiday gaming session, and luckily I was able to attend. With...

A base for a bug (Part 2)

Notta whole lot has gone on hobbywise this week. Christmas didn't net me any new toys, though My Beloved Wolfy did get me the novel: Magos, the latest in the Eisenhorn series. True to Abnett's form, its been an excellent read right from the start! Its a fairly thick...