My last finished unit of 2018…

o/Just as the title says, I'm finishing out the year with a completed unit. Thus, I present to you my Marik Militia lance for Classic Battletech:Two new mechs and all new paint = their inevitable table top DOOM!Yes, it took almost a full month to paint just four...

Christmas break…

There's just too much going on at the moment to dedicate any appreciable time to hobbying. That's alright though because there's at least a few presents, and a lot of people whom I haven't been able to visit with in awhile involved! So its all good.Da' Red Wun loots...

Defeat is….inevitable.

He's dead Jim...SPOILER ALERT!!-oh wait, lol yeah never mind. The Silver Drakes had a good run going there, but ya can't win 'em all. That and the combination of only being able to field 5 guys vs. a Nid KT with a fucking lictor that's all but being guaranteed to...

Samuel L Jackson, the Resurrection!

o/Nope, no progress on the mechs, instead...Whilst this pic better suits the mini below, Jules from Pulp Fiction is,I think Samuel's finest acting performance! Waaaaaaaaay back in the day (pre-blog times) I had a sizable Iron Hands army lead by the infamous Iron...


o/Our greyhound Sheba romping around the yard in her tiger coat!Yes, Da Masta Cheef likes playing in the snow too!Blizzards, and anything approaching the like are quite rare here in the Appalachian Subsector, but luckily we awoke to just that Sunday morning! When I...