A base fit for a bug…

o/Hobby time has unfortunately been at the minimum here of late, too much adulting going on. In fact I only just put the decals on my renegade Iron Hands Sunday evening, inking them last night. Whilst those were drying, I set about positioning the bitz I purchased for...

The Hive Mind Cometh..

Little gribblies rejoice! Actually no, just scurry forth into our enemy's prey's guns!I've been on the ol' eBay hunt for a Tyranid warrior to lead my hive fleet Ouroboris kill team for awhile now. Whilst I think the current warrior sculpt is by far the best...

Victory at last!!!

o/My Silver Drakes have finally turned the corner! I figured out what it was, that was the cause of my abysmal die rolls: My Beloved Wolfy wasn't present to bless my dice with her mystical powers! I came to this realisation after she did just that this past...

A few pops of color…

...just to break up the monotony.Decals (and their associated profanity) are in-progress. Sorry about the flash,its turned the skulls on the bases into little white blobs. Notta whole lot else going on though, just another busy week. Saturday I'll get in another...

Monochromatic flashbacks…

Way back in the day......I had an Iron Hands army. It was big, pretty effective on the table, and most of all, it was booooooooring to paint! Black armor, white guns and boltgun metal trim...and other than a few bitz and bobs in various colors, that was pretty much...