Batch Painting Chaos Cultists

Bleh.Batch painting, in a word: Sucks. I'm really notta fan, and I don't think its all that fun. However, as is so often seen on the Mordian7th blog* its the best way to get a bunch of minis painted up fairly quickly. For example: Nine and a half months into 2018...

Tau Muppet Auxiliaries

The peaceful Jaloof Confederation was located deep within the unexplored (by the Imperium) regions of the Eastern Fringe. They maintained cordial relations with their distant neighbors of the Tau Empire along with limited trade. Unfortunately the Jaloof were easy...

Enter the Dark Mechanicus…

o/Whilst I've long been a fan of the Tech-Priest Dominus miniature*, I was not a fan of its price tag! Whomever it was a GW who thought that single, mono-pose miniatures are worth $30+ ought to be shipped over to China, and forced to package every last damned one of...

Chaos conforms to no posting schedule!!

Which sounds like a valid excuse for no Monday post right? Right. Notta whole lot to report actually as we opted for a lazy weekend after three weeks solid of waaaay too fucking much going on! Seriously my Beloved Wolfy and I needed the break. The Cult of...

I’m calling this mini a Demiurg…

o/Monday afternoon a thin little box with British postage arrived in the mail for me. The only package I'm expecting from across the pond is one coming from Warlord Games, containing 5 Ghar battlesuit sprues. This box however looked to be able to hold just one at...