So what kind of 40k Character would you be?

o/My Beloved Wolfy asked me that whilst we were eating brunch Sunday morning, and in all honesty I don't think I'd ever thought about it really. Its kindova fun question to ponder let's see.So many meals, so little time...My first thought for me was an...

The Warmadillo is complete!

o/Well it took a bit longer than anticipated, but my 30k Auxilia / 40k Imperial Guard Vanquisher tank is finally finished! I'm quite pleased with the model overall, and am not adverse to the idea of getting several more at a later date. For the time being however,...

The futility of camouflage…

o/This just might work...More fun with the grim-dark filter...Rather than continue on with my Vanquisher, and actually complete a project for once, I instead decided to paint that Awesome Mech from my last post. I opted to go super simple  as it is 6mm...

This week’s round up

o/For those fearing a sudden exodus of my 40k collection, hasn't happened yet. Patience grasshoppers, patience... This really looks weird given the two different types of resin.This week was Battletech's turn on the ol' auction block: 5 mechs and half a...

So what if I just sold all of it?

Or rather, damned near all of it?Highly recommended.I recently Started reading This is How by one of my favorite authors - Augusten Burroughs. With this book purchase ($4 at the local used book store, except we had a credit so it was more like free!) I'm pretty sure I...