40k King Tiger Vanquisher WIP 3

o/Still chugging along... Note how much better the tank looks when the gun-to-turret sizes are better proportioned as compared to GW's actual Leman Russ offerings.The main body is 'done' essentially, barring the tools, tow chains, etc.. Those are primed black and...

Salamanders Primaris Intercessor Sergeant

o/Yup, my XVIIIth legion 30k army just got it's first primaris marine! So...like the Blackshields, my Salamanders will be pulling double duty as well. Hell, also like the Blackshields, they're more likely to see action in a game of 40k than they are in 30k...

Meng King Tiger WIP 2

o/I'm chugging along, albeit slowly. The top and rear hulls are now attached and base coated as well. A note on that: being a snap-fit model, once the hull is assembled, it ain't coming apart! So make sure you have the tracks on beforehand as I don't envy anyone...

So after a few games into 8th ed 40k, thoughts?

Yes, I have a few.Well first of all, I've noticed that game night attendance has been up and more games have been played which is really good for our group (which was on life support just a few weeks ago). Is 8th the best edition ever? Opinions vary, but in mine: no,...

Aww, its a ‘Cute’ King Tiger!

o/I first saw this model on Inso's World where he's been converting them into Leman Russes of various types. Its adorable and I wanted one to use as a Vanquisher for my 30k Outremar Militia forces. Even with shipping, this clocked in at less than 1/3 the price of...