WIP: Rainbow Warriors Predator – Decals

o/- Bourrasque -To quote Stephen Colbert: 'Its French Bitch!' (and translates to Squall)Fitting I think given that their iconography involves rainbows and lightning bolts.Notta whole lot of progress since my last post. Mom and Dad were both in town, which is an...

The umpteenth predator repaint….

o/Previously its been painted who knows how many times (at least 4 or 5 I'm thinking, one atop the other with no stripping in between). Then I sunk it in the simple green for a year and a half, scraping the resulting muck off only to start and stop painting once...

Gettin’ back on the wagon…

o/Yes, yes, I know I'm late!!(The above image is from here.)Wow. Two weeks? Hell, I didn't even take that long off when I got married! As far as I recall (too lazy to bother looking it up), that's the longest break in posts that this blog has ever had. So. What have I...

When ya hit a wall, paint it!

o/For whatever reason, my hobby mojo has been a bit lacking here of late and I haven't really been motivated to paint/build anything. So...I figured that maybe just picking up a random project from way out of left field, and painting on that instead might just be the...