Armored Warfare!

o/Yes, because this is fair...Kushial and I finally were able to get our all tank Battletech game in after I had to cancel on him some ways back. He was running his fully painted, Federated Suns Caselton Militia, and his force consisted of:2 Alacorns1 Ontos1 Schrek2...

The Imperial Guard re-emerge!

o/So, whilst rooting around in the spare room in a desperate search for the snow flock (that I haven't used in years) for Kushial's Leviathan's base, I found a few bedraggled survivors from several of my old Imperial Guard armies. I haven't fielded the IG...

Leviathan Dreadnought is complete!

In the Emperor's immortal name, I dub thee: The Doom of Neverness!Whew! This beastie was a lot more work than I thought it'd be! For those of you that don't recall (which is to say most everyone as I've been milking this for quite some time), I painted this for...

Ghar Rebel Commander is complete!

o/Just a quick post as its Valentine's Day, the Mrs. is on her way home from work, and in the mind of the average wife (luckily mine's not average), today isn't a hobbying day. Not going to test that theory though just in case, lol.Anyways to the point: I finished my...

Rainy weekends are good for painting…

...that said, you'd think I'd have been smart enough to take pics of my progress before inking the mini. Right?Actually, no.The metallic green pincers atop its carapace are from the carcass of a Dire Beetle...or um, something like is my Rebel Ghar...