You wanted this done when? was the end of 2018 right? lol!Slowly getting there...Progress remains slow and waaaaaaay behind schedule, but... it is progressing. The current issue is I've hit a snag. My attempt to make a stencil for the front hull/shoulders crashed in burned...

Farsight Enclave Cadre Fireblade

o/We've had this mini for what seems like ages, but for whatever reason I all of a sudden wanted to paint it. This will be the commander of my small Farsight Enclave force, though odds are he'll likely serve as just a glorified Shas'Ui in Kill Team games. Unless of...

This week’s emotional roller coaster…

:-(Why you no haz photo cube?Dis...dis thing? Dis thing is mine...Its been a rough week. We had to put our Kiya to sleep. She was my Beloved Wolfy's familiar and soul mate (way before I came into the picture) as well as my little buddy who wanted part of every one of...

Stinger LAM

Holy cow!No, nooo...resemblance to anything Robotech, none whatsoever....I got a late Christmas present* from Kushial, a Battletech Stinger LAM (Land-Air-Mech). This is a mini type of which I've never owned as (unsurprisingly) the makers of Robotech sued the shit out...

The State of my 40k: 8th ed, take 2

o/Sure, let's resurrect this long defunct series of mine...So…I tried making another 8th ed list to give the game another try and found the process to be quite frustrating. I figured, I only played one game of the new edition and I have a bucket load of minis so why...