Site Quarantined due to a Nurgle infestation!

Yes, this about sums it up...Yes, the great unclean one and its countless minions not only launched an all out assault on me last week but had all but claimed total victory by Wednesday. The only reason I even had a Thursday post was because it had been written and...

The Sad Cat

o/On a whim, I picked up an old (mid-1990s) plastic Mad Cat off of ebay for a reasonable price a little ways back. Its an old sculpt and not the best cast, but unlike its metal counterpart, it stays together. Years ago a very frustrated Screech gave me a metal Mad Cat...

Just some minor tweaks…

o/Like Neverness, Friday I made some minor alterations to an existing mini in preparation for this week's Kill Team game. Originally a painboss named Da 13th' Dokta, this mini usually serves as just a nob in KT games, though on occasion he's also been acting Warboss...

Trouble’s a-brewin’ in the Appalachian Subsector….

Vox traffic indicates that the ENTIRE Lions of Harlech Space Marine chapter is mustering for an all-out assault/extraction attempt on the nearby Rainbow Warriors’ home world…Hell, even the Rainbow Warriors don't use pink paint!MWUHAHAHAHAHA!!! I had to do it! I just...