Da Masta Cheef rants about 8th ed’s rumors

Okay look: When I started this out, it wasn't going to be a rant on the subject, but then on the read-thru...well, it just kinda turned out that way. Again. As usual. Once again a new edition is almost upon us and I really want to be cautiously optimistic, but at...

I hate painting gold…

I mean sure, I could just grab the Krylon like some people do...but where's the fun in that, right?However, on the other hand GW's Auric Armor Gold paint sucks. It separates constantly, requiring an inordinate amount of shaking to re-mix. Its transparent as hell...

Enter the Cataphractii…

o/I got a small bonus from work recently (a rarity), and before it evaporated by way of daily expenses, I splurged and bought a squad of Cataphractii Terminators on eBay for the bargain price of $33. Whilst they were still on the sprue they came with no...

My Rogue Stars’ version of the A-Team!

o/Okay yes, I'm of that generation that grew up watching the A-Team and I loved the show...well, for awhile anyways. Sadly even as a kid the episodes got terribly repetitive, and all of the show's flaws became readily apparent. Recently Wolfy and I watched the A-Team...


o/Neverness stopped by the other day and surprised my Beloved Wolfy and I with anniversary presents! Now, I knew she was getting a gift via previews and inquiries on the subject, so it would be obvious to assume that I was getting one too, but to be honest that...