My next Kill Team:

****On a totally different note, our local painting prodigy Mac (he's the guy I gave my Red Corsairs army to and his sidekick Zac) have finally started their own blog! Go and check it out: The Obsidian Tower 40k.


o/I have nothing on the Mordian 7th blog in terms of sheer numbers, but for me this qualifies as mass production:These bolter grunts will fill out the ranks of my Alpha Legion army (which still does nothing to help me deal with tanks...) & moonlight as Blood...

Originality in 40k

Yeah, good luck with that...o/I was talking about custom space marine color schemes the other day with my buddy Sam. He had come up with a 'new' color scheme for his Kill Team marines, Purple and gold. Like the Hawk Lords I asked? and his shoulders just slumped. lol,...

Blood for the machine god!

o/It seems that Bob and Screech beat up on me so badly in our game of Kill Team that I awoke Sunday feeling like my shoulder was destroyed. Seriously, no idea what happened to it, but luckily I already had this post's mini painted up and ready to go:Actually, my...

Where the fluff meets the sprue…

o/So…this is a little bit of a rant the percolated out of the comments that Greg Hess and I exchanged on my previous post regarding the new, plastic Mk III Space Marine sprues. Just give me a minute to practice my crotchety old geezer voice...After assembling 40k...