Tyranid Hive Tyrant Complete!

Hey folks, today I bring you a continuation from my last post, more painted Tyranid action in the form of the deadly Hive Tyrant.You may recall a while back I did a post showing the model built up in a finecast review, well it has been on the painting table for a fair...

A change of Base scheme for my Tyranids + newly painted models!

As you may have seen if you are a regular reader here at the 40k project, I recent change the scheme on the base of my dark eldar models, this is mainly due to the new texture base paints by GW that I love, well now it's the turn of the Tyranids to get their own, as I...

Finding a balance between playing and painting?

   It gets most war gaming hobbyists from time to time, you either find a new gaming club, a new group of friends or simply a new army perks your interest but for some reason you start playing much more games than normal.  Now I don’t know about you but...

Fenrisian Wolf Complete!

Now, I'm not saying that I'm going to jump on the space wolves bandwagon however, I can’t help but say how much I love the new wolves and wolf riders for space wolves.  Who's with me... you? good, then follow me to one of the nicest to paint models I've ever...

Trying out the new texture paints: A Dark Eldar redesign

People who visit here regularly may recall not too long ago I started my dark eldar, dark blue in colour with light blue highlights. Well only 1 warrior and venom really got done before I moved onto different projects as always however with the release of the new...