Heroes of the Sword Coast (Session 5)

This session was orignally recorded 2/08/2015.From the Journal of Lydia the Halfling6:11We travel for a full day, then make camp on the trail.  On the second watch, we are attacked by an owlbear.  After a bit of disorientation and everyone running in...


Fresh from the tables of our painting class, we submit the following for the record.  Deep in the darkest recesses of your favorite fantasy town / village, trouble is gnawing at the gutterbones.  These rats are off the chain, and they are coming for an...

Heroes of the Sword Coast (Session 4)

This session was orignally recorded 1/25/2015.From the Journal of Lydia the Halfling6:15In another room we find three prisoners.  A wife from the town,  Mirena, and her daughter and son.  They tell us the Red Brand have killed their father.  After...

Introduction to Miniature Painting, Lesson 4

Lesson 4 - Drybrushing IThe drybrush technique is a ubiquitous tool that you will use throughout your career as a hobby gamer.  It's easy to do, easy to practice and after a few minis you'll begin to see how you can use it in your projects.  This is one of...

Heroes of the Sword Coast (Session 3)

This session was orignally recorded 1/18/2015.From the Journal of Lydia the Halfling6:19We decide to stay and rest at the inn for the day.  The next day we head out to the manor to attempt to find the Red Brand.  After bantering with a random human child,...