Heroes of the Sword Coast Campaign Open

"No, Dave.  Just no." - Dungeon Master Reverend Greg (in his Golden Years).Wondering what has been happening on the RPG front here at the Wargate??  Where is all the cool stuff??  Well, you know we've been playing Dungeons & Dragons, 5th...

Reaper Bones Day!!

It's been a while since our Reaper Bones Day - and I'm ashamed to admit that I'm just NOW getting around to posting this since it was done in September, 2013.  Yeah, more than a year sitting in the vault...but, it's here now - and with Reaper Bones...

Decos’ Wretched Plight Campaign Log

Welcome to our new Schedule 2 RPG game!King Arthur has taken the mantle of Dungeon Master, and presents us with a romp across the Known World!  Right in line with our Basic Dungeons & Dragons bent that the club is on right now, this will fit...

Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Open!

Huzzah for the return of battle games!  It's been a while since we broke up with the game / company that had been our longtime love (and who will no longer be mentioned here), but now that we're past all of that we can look ahead.  Enthusiasm is high, and...

Decos’ Wretched Plight (Session 5)

This update is lagging behind.  These Game Session notes were originally from 12.23.2014.Kobold ClearinghouseThe party pushes forward into the reaches of the underground complex, making sure to cover the entire map that had been given to them.  Facing off...