Huzzah for the return of battle games!  It's been a while since we broke up with the game / company that had been our longtime love (and who will no longer be mentioned here), but now that we're past all of that we can look ahead.  Enthusiasm is high, and that's a quite welcome change of pace after the doldrums hit during our "breakup".

We have begun our new campaign, yes...and it's ambitious.  Entitled Tyranny of Dragons, the overall campaign is based on the new story arc from Wizards of the Coast / WizKids for D&D 5th Edition and D&D Attack Wing.  This is our first campaign using what we call nested rulesets to join every level of the conflict, from Skirmish and Battle games using 28mm models to Attack Wing's specialized game pieces.

Each game played for Tyranny of Dragons has the potential to influence our Schedule 1 RPG as well.  Look for an update on that later this week.  In the mean time, ready your forces and check out the Tyranny campaign page to figure out where you stand.  We'll be following Attack Wing's development closely and adding new figures to the dragon's forces as the season progresses, so make sure you're in the right spot now.

A new paradigm has dawned here at the club, after many months of suffering, despair and unease.  It's up to us to not allow a single company to hold so much sway over our club.  We're returning to an older time with our gaming style that doesn't rely on some company that doesn't care what we do (as long as we buy their material) pressing shoddy rules and unbalanced lists into the hands of the masses.  We are very competitive, and as such we are able to gauge what is and isn't poor competition design.

Game Masters will now preside over many wargame scenarios, including this season and next.  This is a big change for us, but letting them decide most of the scenario's parameters will remove a lot of the trepidation we used to have about the fantasy and sci-fi battle games we used to play.  It also allows us to introduce new concepts to our normal battle games as well, such as battlefield events, special units, cross-system bonuses, and even having neutral / unaffiliated parties to battle as well.

We support the gaming industry - the elements we support should support us.  I think Wizards (and WizKids) know that...and the support for events is fantastic.  We'll not have to worry about this, now that we understand that WE are empowered.

That said, with all the new stuff arriving for the brand D&D is set to be a MAJOR fixture over the next several years.  We've always loved it as a property, so we've decided to go ahead and move to the current generation to help support it, rather than tarry in the older editions.  We'll still be doing all the editions, but 5th is here now.

It looks good, feels good...and dog-gone it, people like it.