Mercenary Archer Regiment

Mercenary Archer Regiment

Our Introduction to Miniature Painting class has shown some nice results!  During Lessons 1 & 2, we learned the basics of putting brush to paint to model - and already the proof is in the...arrow quivers?  This entire regiment of Mercenary Archers for...
The Face of Mystara, Part II (Session 5)

The Face of Mystara, Part II (Session 5)

These notes are originally from 11.16.2014.From the Journal of Alexandra Postoak5:45The group passes through the gate and continues on.  The golem still stands on the other side of the fire waiting to come after us.  Blanith cast Magic Missile at it to...
Rulebook Ruminations:  Dungeons & Dragons Expert

Rulebook Ruminations: Dungeons & Dragons Expert

We're five months into our Dungeons & Dragons Basic / Expert campaign, and it has been a blast.  With 92 hours logged so far, we've managed to creep up the experience scale to right about 6th level.  We've enjoyed how simple the game is, but that only...
The Face of Mystara, Part II (Session 4)

The Face of Mystara, Part II (Session 4)

This update is lagging behind.  These Game Session notes were originally from 11.09.2014.From the Journal of Alexandria PostoakThe group tended to all the bodies on the ships.  Oliver Blessed each of the bodies and we took all items of worth from them...
Decos’ Wretched Plight (Session 3)

Decos’ Wretched Plight (Session 3)

Ain't Nothin' But Kobold ThangThe Northerners accept Decos' job, and immediately set out to rid the new tunnels of these troublesome pest.  The party quickly arrives at the tunnel entrance and proceed into the strangely bricked hallways that form the ancient...