Build it and they will come – A new unique sculpt

When you've got the bulk of prototype and unreleased miniatures in a collection, sometimes the next step is to start commissioning your own unique pieces to fill in the gaps.Thanks to a friend of mine, I've been put in touch with a very talented individual who has...

A New Contender – Titan Miniatures

After a lengthy hiatus (admittedly due to buying a house etc), this year's budget has been completed. So what does that mean for the Warhost? Let's just say a few things, probably the biggest though is a LONG discussed (last touched base over a year ago) proposal for...

Birds of Prey – 3rd Party Swooping Hawks

What a way to end 2016, a year that has been rough as heshin underwear for most people. My good mate from Russia has been at it again, this time with our skyward, grenade pooping magpies of death... the Swooping Hawks.Now, many of you will know the previous works of...

Maugan Ra and Taldeer (DoW Farseer)

A couple of goodies graced my inbox today, it seems Mr.Vincent has definitely been tinkering away on a couple of the HQ models recently and definitely surprised me with these two new additions to the Warhost. As always, they're gorgeous...For those of you unfamiliar...

The Eldar Sketchbook – Review Time!

So thanks to the generosity of my best mate, who snagged this at the local GW Bunker B'day celebrations whilst I was out of town, I've been lucky enough to spend the last 24 hours pouring over the book and all its tastiness.What are we looking at? Basically a...