Warp Spider Phoenix Lord WIP – Update #2

Mariano, not 30 minutes ago has improved my Monday ten fold with these recent WIP photos :)With the integrated "Warp Jump Generator" now part of the suit, the first shoulder guard pieces down and head formed, small pincers (not shown) will goon after the next baking...

Video Update: The "unboxed" so far…

Again, please excuse the lighting - the macro of a camera phone is probably the worst thing to use for something like this. More lighting to go in the top and bottom to "fill" the case, not just the shelves. If you want the high resolution images of what is here on...

Commissioned Sculpt – Warp Spider Phoenix Lord WIP

When a miniature doesn't exist that you know is needed to make an already comprehensive Warhost that little more complete, what do you do? Put the feelers out for the best sculptors you can get your hands on and see what happens.Well, something did happen, or I should...

Lights, Camera…

Phase two complete... well almost. Lights have been added to the display case as the boxes are unpacked onto the shelves, which are filling up very quickly. Somehow, believe it or not the case will hold around 2400 miniatures - War Machines included. At the moment,...

The Dras’Volharr – Permanent House Guests

*Updated! 20/03/2017So I got sick of all the whining about "I can't see the TV", "Hey, Sputnik, got your head out of the way!", "Have you got any more snacks, or what?", deciding to build a display case in the living room... one where the aforementioned outbursts from...