A Tale of one (ex) Scottish Guild Baller

Screw you guys I'll have my own Guild Ball blog, with Blackjack and Strippers.For those that don't realise it Paint Hammered is a conglomerate of bloggers from assorted parts of the world but primarily the guys up in Scotland where Rich hails from.  I used to be...

Painting Resolutions –

 McMourning (Malifaux) - "Are you ready for your review?"  The end of Q3 is upon us and it’s time to refresh our hobby resolutions.  First off a look back to what was set at the start of the year: Hobby resolutions 2015Finish epic Eldar...

Guildball – Alchemists

No not that sort of Alchy, the brewers are for someone else to paint. I mean the Alchemists.Guild Ball - Alchemists ArtworkI started this team back around May/June but then they fell by the wayside but finally this week I started to pick them up again and actually...

Rebasing for AoS

Lets open with the history of WFB, apart from ungors it has never really been an issue for WFB players, barring a few things like monsters which by their nature tend not to be the mainstay of armies bases have remained unchanged throughout the editions. AoS has torn...

I don’t want to paint, but I do!

To do boxFor anyone that has been paying attention you’ll have heard on most WFB podcasts, Twitter and Facebook GW slightly threw everyone for a loop in the run into AoS. Ignoring the game side as largely that has taken care of itself the real hit for people is...