bretonnians – in before the squat!

Obligatory army shot... ohh shinyI painted up most of this Bret army over 12 months ago but I never got round to basing it up. So over the last couple of months I decided I needed to put the effort in to get it all ready for the tabletop.  In part this was...

9th Edition is (supposedly) coming

8th rulebook, not that it ever says that's what it's calledAnd for an old fart like me what better than to look back at what has gone before rather than panicking about what is about to come.  I’m really thinking just 8th ed when I start writing this but it’s...

Introducing a new Blogger: Dave Fraser

Unlike Steve I'm not important enough to warrant an exclamation mark after my name... (Can be arranged!(!) - Rich)So Rich is continuing in his quest to take over the world or at least the UK Warhammer blog world. To that end he demanded that I come and join his stable...