Daemons Update

Daemons Update

Hi guys, Paul speaking. Long time no see yo. Basically the latest thing I've been up to is getting these Vargeists to use as Daemon prince stand ins upon my brother's suggestion. I actually really like them, they're way more awesome and detailed than the normal...

Chariot of Tzentch built

Just finished building my first chariot. I've got a second waiting, hopefully ready to be used in an upcoming tournament this week. Looking forward to frying marines from my deployment zone (Str 5  AP 3  Torrent).

My Chaos Daemons

So you've probably seen that I have a new army from battle and tournament reports. In this post I'll talk about some of my thoughts that went into my Chaos Daemon army.I'll start off by sharing my list for 1500 points:HQFateweaverTroops5x Plague Bearers with icon5x...

1750 Orks vs Chaos Space Marines Proxy Madness

Mission: Emperor's will, Deployment: Diagonal Paul can't be bothered to do this batrep so from now on it'll be from me as far as I remember (Dimitry): Coach-wars continue as not all the orks fit onto the table so the reserve pile mounts up.Ilya's list is...

Blood Angels vs Eldar: The Relic

Mission: Relic Deployment: Table halves (pitched battle)I was running my tournament army so:MephistonStormravenTactical Squad meltagun and lascannonDante and Sanguinary guardFurioso dreadRazorbackScout snipersIlya just ha loads of dire avengers and some allied...