by Death Salvo | Dec 16, 2013
Interesting article since GW is now into the realm of digital codexs. be a huge reason to hold out to buy the hardback. GW would never take your codex away......yeeeah...
by Death Salvo | Dec 16, 2013
So another super successful RTT was held at Huzzah Hobbies in Ashburn VA. 18 folks showed up for the final RTT of the year. James ( the Head TO ) was in rare form and brought tons of his own terrain consisting of the newest GW fortifications!!! More...
by Death Salvo | Dec 8, 2013
Well I had a great time painting this even though it and the entire escalation will be a no go for gaming. I'll probably run it as a soul grinder just for kicks. " OMG I finally finished!"One pissed of Daemon Engine!New GW blood paint. Does great blood and gore...
by Death Salvo | Dec 8, 2013
So i did a quick article about 40k and the new escalation. Well I picked up the book as I do own a lord of skulls ( I like the model, but had no idea what it's rules were ). The new Escalation book is ok in terms of format etc. I did see that certain...
by Death Salvo | Dec 5, 2013
This topic keeps coming up as of recent trends of the Seer council and Screamer star making top tables at tournaments. A few posts back I spoke about the new king of the ring ( jet-seers ) and how frustrating it is to play against them even when the other player...