by Dice & Brush | Jul 28, 2015
First unboxing of an Loot Crate here on the blog, it's actually my fourth crate but I never came around doing an unboxing until now.First of all, what is Loot Crate? It's a crate you get loot in of course. Each month you get a new one with different stuff depending on...
by Dice & Brush | Jul 27, 2015
Been working hard on my Stormcast Eternals lately, and soon very soon my first unit of Liberators is finished. I made some tweaks from the model I got in White Dwarf. The reason it takes some time extra is because I'm also doing an Painting Tutorial on how I painted...
by Dice & Brush | Jul 22, 2015
While many hate Age of Sigmar, and I understand why they do... we go from a really nice complex system for doing Fantasy battles in the world we love(d) and that as evolved in eight editions! Into a 'four page' rules system, simple but in some places not totally...
by Dice & Brush | Jul 19, 2015
I'm a little late here, but I didn't want to go with just an little unboxing for the new AoS Starter but rather a full review of it, the components, about the new rules fluff etc. So to do this it will take some time. So I will do this review in parts, and first of...
by Dice & Brush | Jul 10, 2015
Here you can take a look on the battleplans from the 96-page book in the AoS starter box.Pics from Captain Citadel on the Spikey Bits forum.