by DimmyK | Jul 19, 2014
Going into game 3, I've been hearing about some ork horde and a sm bike list that I could be versing. Unfortunately that's not actually what I come up against:Astra militarum with imperial knight ally:CCS, master of the ordnance, lascannon, camoVeterans, camo,...
by DimmyK | Jul 19, 2014
So after game 1, I found myself paired up against another marine player:(Imperial Fists)Master of the forge with conversion Beamer and servitor pal5 stern guard, melta, 3x combi-melta, plasma, drop pod with deathwind5 tacticals with missile launcher5 tacticals with...
by DimmyK | Jul 18, 2014
1st game of 7th ed, 750 pts, foc restricted to no doubles apart from troops and dedicated transports (with several exceptions eg waveserpents).Took my old 6th ed surprise list:Master of the Forge5 scouts, heavy bolter5 marines, meltagun, melta bombs Land raider...
by DimmyK | Jul 14, 2014
Very little gaming this year unfortunately, been busy with exams and such. Did manage to attend chiswick gaming club properly again as can be seen below and also performed woefully in a doubles tournament with my bro where we just took whatever we had painted. Before...
by DimmyK | Jan 8, 2014
From about 3 months ago now (early september was it??), but I'll do my best to reconstruct what happened.Dark Eldar (something along the lines of):BaronHaemonculus with either a venom blade or a liquifier gun3 trueborn, blasters, venom3 wracks, venom3 wracks,...