More Tau Riptide Commission

Finished up this bad boy tonight, just wrapping up the base and good to ship tomorrow. Pics came out a bit bright, still working with the new camera.

Tau Riptide – Commission

I was asked on Friday to paint up a Tau Riptide for someone who needed it asap for the NOVA Open, so I needed to do it quickly! Well, I spent a lot of time this weekend heads down on painting up this riptide. He asked specifically for this scheme as its follows his...

Few Items for Sale

All, selling a few items to make room for new gear! - New on Sprue Chimera (no dozer blade) - Chaos Sorcerer in Terminator Armor (primed) -...

Slow but Purposeful

Finished up the first few Oblits, Nurgle marked of course! Got in another game against Eldar with my CSM IG (this time it was Wave Serpent Spam (5 and some Warp Spiders)) and took the game again! With that said, I didn't get alpha struck too bad, so that likely kept...

Typhus – The Destroyer Host and Belial

Finished painting up Typhus last night, and he clocked in at around 7 hours total time on task... He might be one of my favorite models in 40k, and Im glad he turned out as he did, im rather pleased. I dont think Ive ever spent this much time on a single model.I also...