My HOW TO PAINT Series Introduction

Well, Ive decided to take the next step, and release a how to paint series. Im currently producing the videos now, and will have a corresponding YouTube channel feature my videos. I intend on trying to release them on a monthly basis, covering basing, painting, and...
The Plague Father takith’ and Plague Father givith’

The Plague Father takith’ and Plague Father givith’

I have got a few games in as of late, and with my daemons rocking about they have proven to be a rather strong contender on the tabletop. Normally I would be rocking Fateweaver, a GUO, a DP, screamers, oblits, and a heldrake. With that combo packing a punch, it...
The Plague Father takith’ and Plague Father givith’

The Plague Father takith’ and Plague Father givith’

I have got a few games in as of late, and with my daemons rocking about they have proven to be a rather strong contender on the tabletop. Normally I would be rocking Fateweaver, a GUO, a DP, screamers, oblits, and a heldrake. With that combo packing a punch, it...
A side of Daemon Prince

A side of Daemon Prince

While I wrapped up this DP a few weeks back, I never did get around to posting him on the blog. I ended up going with a more generic color scheme rather than try to paint him specific to any of the chaos marks. I tried to paint him up with a brown scheme as opposed to...
Busy with Daemons

Busy with Daemons

Sorry for the lapse in post as of late, but its certainly not from a lack of hobbying! I usually tone done the updates around the holidays as other priorities certain take focus this time of year. With that said, here is a Lord of Change I'll be using as Fateweaver...