Vendetta Completed

It took some time, but I finally wrapped up the Vendetta with some OSL and applied some satin varnish to seal it in (else the wings and such get chipped in transit). I also painted the pilots, though I have no idea how they are supposed to fit into the cockpits as...

Models for Sale/Trade

Well, back from the holidays! I did get in another game earlier this month with the Loganwing list and it performed spectacularly well. I faced a 1500 point Grey Knight list which comprised of Coteaz and 30 Terminators (psybolt ammo, hammer, and 2 psycannons each...

Vendetta WIP

Quick post, as I dont have too many updates for the week. I'm ohhh so very close to finishing up my 1500 point Loganwing/IG army however! Here is one of the last additions, the beloved/despised Vendetta gunship. Im about half done at this point, so youll likely see...

Almost Completed: Loganwing Wolves

Here they are, the 1500 point Loganwing/IG army Ive been "perfecting" since the release of 6th edition. I unfortunately have only been able to get in a few games lately, though the past few games I have gotten in have been victories! More importantly though, they have...

Something Dark comes this way

Its been decided... I wanted to build out a second army (aside from the wolves w./ IG) and while crafting up a CSM was looking to be a solid alternative, I wanted to drop the power armor for the first time (Went from Space Marines to Blood Angels to Space Wolves in...