Battle Brothers

Space Wolves and IG together at last! The only way to win with either of these lower tier codexs is to combine their power into something formidable... Sorry, I was trying to say that with a straight face (IG is likely the top 6th ed codex, SWs are maybe 3rd or 4th in...

Reinforcements Have Arrived

After getting in another game of 6th ed in with the wolves, I decided to work on correctly a problem Im encountering (this particular problem is prevalent in most SM armies). I simply lacked the torrent of fire as compared to both of the Necron armies Ive been up...

Space Wolves have dropped!

Ive been very, very busy as you can see. I was able to finish up another few grey hunters and a second drop pod this weekend. Your going to see a lot of wolves posted over the next few weeks. 

Greatest Blood Bowl pitch ever?

Wow, this is spectacular. As someone who has never played Blood Bowl, I have to say, the site of this pitch alone invokes some serious awesomeness and desire to play... Look at this: many, many, many more pics and details here. Its simply...

Sanguinary Guard Sale

While this is a bit of blatant advertising here, I just wanted to bring up that my eBay auctions:Auction: Guard (see more pics last post):Wolf Run Priest:Auction:Auction Over, didnt sell,...