Farsight Bombs Revisited Part 2

For some stupid reason the comments section is not working for me at the moment, so the idea of this post is to respond to the comments in the last one.@Franco - Your'e probably right about Shadowsun. The reason I wanted to run it as an Enclave list is to get the...

Farsight Bombs Revisited.

A while ago I wrote an article questioning how effective a Farsight Bomb might be. The conclusion I reached was that it wasn’t that effective. Well, I was wrong!A couple of weekends ago I played against Franco from 40k Global at Dark Millenium in Stirling. He played...

Preferred Enemy List Review

List ReviewA number of things in my list worked well, and a number not so much.What worked·         Chapter Masters. These guys were amazing. In themselves they are rock hard, but their most important role is sheltering the...

Preferred Enemy Bat Reps

Just back from Preferred Enemy in Stirling. About 24 of us turned up for a 7 game 1,650pt tourni. It was the first big test for my revised bike army using the new codex.The list I took was in the last postGame 1Against Chaos Space Marines. Big squad of Nurgle Bikes...

Preferred Enemy Take 2

Thanks to Sam for pointing out the error in my last list (need to make Khan the Warlord to give the bikes Scout). It has made me think again about whether he’s worth it. I’ve hummed and hawed (good Scottish expression!), and I’ve decided not to. I want to see if the...