Tournament List, Counter Attack 2013

This weekend a buddy and I are off to Counter Attack a 5 game, 1750pt, Forge World allowed Tournament in Edinburgh. In my continuing quest to take something a little different (!), I’m taking Tau, with no Ethereals, no Firewarriors, no Riptides, and no Batman...

Things I miss about 5th Edition

In 5th edition I used to have lots of fun running a 3 Stormraven Blood Angels  list. It wasn’t super competitive, but it was OK, and a lot of fun to run. I won “best Blood Angles player at Throne of Skulls using it (going 4-1), came third at the WPS Club...

Common Ground Tourni 10 November

Went to a fun tournament at Common Ground Gaming in Stirling  at the Weekend.Took a list that I thought would be “fun”, but it turned out to be just really bad!FarsightCommander, Twin Fusion, target lock, Stim Injectors. Warscraper DroneRiptide, HBC, ECPA,...

Hobby Killers

The observant will see that I haven't posted up my report from Rapid Fire (brief summary I went 3-1-2 and came 10th out of about 30 people). Well, I'm not going to post up detailed reports, rather I'm going to post up some thoughts which have crystallised as a result...

List For Rapid Fire

I’ve almost settled on my list for Rapid Fire, and thought I would throw it out there for comments.As I mentioned in my last post, I wanted to try something a little different from the list I ran at the Warrington GT. The GT was pretty brutal, and I was spanked 3...