Marker Drone Platforms

I have a 2 day tournament in 2 weeks time, and I need to think about my list. It’s 1750pts, no forge world, 5 games. Most of the Scottish ETC team will be there, together with a bunch of regular Scottish tournament goers, so, it’ll be reasonably competitive.The 1,750...

Beating Drop Pod Lists.

There’s lots of chatter on the intertubes about Tau being the new “broken” army, and more talk about building lists that will counter Tau. Now I’m sure things will change as people adjust to the new codex and get used to playing Tau, but my fear is that my...

Learning Points from Games of War Tourni.

So what did I learn at this tournament?·         Ethereals are amazing! The leadership buff, 3 pretty useful warlord traits, and above all Storm of Fire … for 50 points..! Buttoned up in his D’fish he survived every game. Also...

Infiltration – the argument continues!

I tried to post this as a reply to a comment to my last post but it was too long - so here it is as a separate post. To make sense of it you'll need to read it in conjunction with my last post on Infiltrating ICs conferring infiltrate on non infiltrating units. The...

Independant Characters and Infiltrate

I’m seeing this all over the internet and its just wrong! ICs with infiltrate can not confer infiltrate to units that do not have it. There is no grey area, it simply can not happen. It’s got nothing to do with the Infiltrate rule and whether of not infiltrate...