Games of War Summer Tournament

Just back from the Games of War Summer Tournament. As always, I had a blast. Of more interest, it was New Tau’s first Tournament…. could be very interesting.The tournament is 1750pts on day one, and 2000pts on day 2. Here are the lists I tookThe 1750pt one...

Farsight List – does if really work?

Just because I don't think the bomb works, doesn't mean I wont paint the model! Using Commander Farsight to create a large unit of suits that deep strikes into your opponents lines is a classic Tau List – often called the “Farsight Bomb”. Firstly I should say I have...

Gun Line Tau

This list is a counter point to the last one – i.e. no tanks!  The core of this list will be a bunch of guns behind an Aegis Defence Line. So, let’s get a bunch of guns. Three full squads of Fire Warriors are a good start. Add in an Ethereal to use Storm of...

Mech Tau

So the first list I want to go through is a Mech Tau list.I’ve always tried to build “all comer” lists with my Tau armies. Tau were the army I took to most tournaments all the way through 5th, and in the first few months of 6th, and I still think an all comer army is...

Hobby Progress

I know, I know, not something I usually post, but I’m really getting into painting and modelling my new Tau army.As I think I mentioned earlier on the blog, I’m selling my old Tau army and starting from scratch. While my old army was fully painted and “OK”, I painted...