It’s all About the Tau – Marker Lights

I've already posted this on Warhammer Tau, but thought I would also post here for completness.Marker Lights are very useful. They can do 3 things ·      Any unit can use a Marker Light hit to boost their BS by one point, this works on...

I have a confession!

I feel a little like I'm confessing to having an affair!David over on Warhammer Tau put out a call for help. He wanted contributors. Now, Warhammer Tau is a blog ive read regulalry in the past, and its a fantastic resource, so I offered to help, and I'm happy to say...

It’s all About the Tau. Part 7. Heavy Support.

Ahh….now we’re talking. This was always the strength of the of dex (this and XV8s), and it doesn’t disappoint. There are 4 very viable entries, all of which have their place.HammerheadsIn the old ‘dex Hammerheads were my great unrequited love – they really needed to...