List for Heat 2 of the GW Grand Tournament

I’m paralysed with indecision.I’ve boiled it down to 2 options for my list for the weekend, and I just can’t make up my mind. It’s a decision between a pure Harlies list to take advantage of our new Strategems, or adding in a Farseer and some Kabalites in Venoms to...

Rapid Fire Tournament report

Just back from Rapid Fire 2017, one of the longest running tournaments in Scotland, and one of the first tournaments I every went to about 10 years ago. Number were a little down at this event, but it was v2.0 of the event, the “main” Rapid Fire having taken place in...

Harlequins in Chapter Approved

Chapter tactics made a bunch of changes, some of them pretty controversial. But for Harlies, it's most pretty good.Points ChangesDeath jester dropped in points......., OK, you’re still never going to see him!!The more interesting one was the change in points...

Rapid Fire list, Locked and Loaded

OK, next tournament is Rapid Fire weekend of 2nd and 3rd December.This is one of the longest running 40k tournaments in Scotland and this will be about the 10th year I’ve been to it. It’s usually a great event.Competition on the top tables is usually pretty fierce,...

Winter War List Review

A great days gaming. three good games and lI earned a lot. Usual format, what worked and what didn’t in my list, and some learning points.What workedTroupe’s in Starweavers. Harlequin Troupes in Starweavers are such a fantastic unit. Fast, tough, and deadly, whether...