It’s all about the Tau: Part 1 HQs

There are 3 generic HQ Choices and 5 Special Characters. The generic choices are the XV8 Commander, an Ethereal, and the Fireblade. The Special Characters are Aun’va, Aun’shui, Darkstrider, Shadowsun and Farsight. I’ll talk about the generic characters in this post,...

It’s all about the Tau – Intro.

The internet and its dog are doing reviews of the new Tau Codex. I wasn’t going to do one to be honest, but I’ve changed my mind. The reason I changed my mind is that I’m struggling to get my head round all the options. Doing a detailed review will force me to think...

Tau First Thoughts

I’ve been on holiday so haven’t had a chance until last night to read the Tau Codex. Now that I’ve read it, I love it.I’m not going to write a unit by unit review (or at least not straight away… might come on to that in more detail later). Loads of people have already...

Throne of Skulls List Analysis

The list worked really well. In fact I can’t think of anything I would change. It was as balanced as I could make it, within the 1500pt limit used at TofS.Everything worked well, but the outstanding performers were the Stormtallons and the TFCs. The TFC’s murdered...

Throne of Skulls Report

Got back from Throne yesterday night. As always I had a blast.While I enjoy the more competitive events like Cally, I also enjoy Throne. It’s a very different experience. Cally (or the GT) is a tournament, where emphasis is placed on hard lists and competitive play....