It’s all about the Tau – Rumour Review.

OK, so I’ve calmed down. Still excited, but calmer! So, what do we have rumour wise at the moment? Well, here’s what I’ve read (note I have no inside sources, just what I read on the internet) Riptide – Jump Monstrous Creature (so guessing S6, T6, W4,...

Its all about the Tau

Don't care what anybody says, I love the new models. The Riptide looks soooo...badass. I hope its rules make it a terror on the table top. And the flyers ..... well the Barracuda is nicer.... but they're still pretty cool.Skyfiring Broadsides!Fire warriors that can...

Stormtallons are Pretty Good!

I killed a Landraider with a Stormtalon Assault Cannon last night! It turned a game that I was going to lose, into a win for me. And it made me think…Starmtalons aren’t as bad as some say.To be perfectly honest I bought the 2 Stormtalons I run in my bike army because...

Throne of Skulls

Throne of SkullsOf to Throne of Skulls next week, and I’m taking my bikes. List will be Captain on a bike, Artificer Armour, Lightening Claw, Power fist10 man Scout Squad5 man Bike Squad, 2 Melta Guns, Combi Melta, Melta Bomb5 Man Bike Squad, 2 Plasma Guns, Combi...

It’s all about theTau

I’m really trying to stay calm, but more and more rumours are pointing to a Tau release next month….! If that happens I’ll be one of the happiest geeks in the blogosphere. Prepare for endless ramblings about the new codex, new lists, new tactics etc etc. Man it’s...