Games of War Spring Tourney

At the weekend I was at the Games of War Spring Tournament. The tradition at this one is there are 2 lists – 1750pts on the Saturday and 2000pts on the Sunday. Usually I simply add some units to my 1750 list to make it up to 2000, however, as long as the primary...

Nerd Rage!

I’ve been thinking a lot about 40k recently, and I’ve come to a bit of an epiphany – trying to play 40k competitively is pretty pointless! A bit of a change in approach I know, but let me explain….!Over the last few months I’ve been enjoying myself less and less and...

Next Three Tournaments

My next 3 tournaments are Games of War’s Spring Tournament inext weekend. Throne of Skulls at the end of March, and the WPS Club Challenge at the end of May.GofW is 1750 day one and 2000 day 2, no Forge World. TofS is 1500, no forge world, and the Club Challenge is...

Horror and redemption!

One of my goals for 2013 was to finish my drop podding marine army. Well last  weekend I pretty much finished it. I only have some line highlighting to do on 4 of the 7 the drop pods and I’m done. Its 90% Forge World MkIII Iron Armour and it’s taken over 2 years...

Building my Dream Cadre – Part 2.

So, how do we change the Tau Codex so I get my dream army?Remember, what we’re looking for is “…….. a [army] that’s dynamic, that allows the [Cadre] to play to the fluff – it should have a “special forces” feel to it, fully integrated, very mobile, very hard...