Building my Dream Cadre

Building the Dream Cadre.With a new Tau Codex on the Horizon (hopefully!), I've been thinking about the position of my Cadre in the twilight of its old Codex, and with rumours beginning to come out, thinking about my dream Cadre, and what I would like to see inthe new...

Caledonian Uprising 2013

Back from Cally. Great weekend (even with all the snow!) My aim for the weekend was to do better than last year (2-0-4), and better than at the GT Heat (2-0-4).Usual format, brief Bat reps and an overview.Points were 1850, 5 games with primary and secondary objectives...

Goals for 2013

I wanted to post this up earlier, but time got away from me. I want to try and formulate some goals for the year.I have 3 main hobby goals for the year. First, finish off my Codex Marines drop pod list. It’s nearly done, but I want to add some space wolf allies. I’m...

Cally List

So after all the fuss about podding marines, I’m back to playing Tau…and you know, I’m really looking forward to it! I guess I’m a Tau player at heart!So, what am I taking? Well with not that long to think about it, I’m taking a very similar list to the one that got...

Next Tournament

Happy New YearA break from blogging over the festive period but back now.When last we spoke (!) I was wondering whether to take podding marines or Tau to Cally. Well, I decided to take the marines.The big issue was Lysander. While he’s a beat stick, and synergizes...