Drop Pod List Analysis

I really enjoyed playing this list. Despite being an all pod army, it’s reasonably flexible, but at the same time needs a bit of thought. Things that were awesomeVulcan. Being able to twin link flamers and melta guns makes the alpha strike much more reliable. Also,...

Games of War Tourni Part 2

Game 4 Day 2 and I’m up against Space Wolves with Guard allies. Two Rune Priests, 2 Lone Wolves (TDA, Storm Shield and Chain Fist i.e. ideal for ripping my Dreads appart), 3 squads of Grey Hunters and 2 Long Fang packs. Primaris Psyker and a 40 man blob, a...

Games o War Bat Reps Part 1

Game oneAgainst Dark Eldar….oh dear! Can’t remember exactly, but something like a Venom with trueborn, one with Incubi, 2 raiders with warriors, one with witches, a Ravager, and one of the flyers – can’t remember which one. Mission was Big Guns with 5 objectives.My...

Games of War Tourni

Just back from the Games of War Tournament run by Sir67. Little Geek and I had a blast. I always enjoy these tournaments, they’re challenging, without being too “hard core”, friendly, and usually pull in a variety of armies. It also gives Little Geek and I time for...

GT List Performance

The list needs work. Some things worked, but others didn’t.What worked·         Tetras. Adding the sensor spines was a great move. Being able to move in and out of terrain at will, without worring about immobilization, was...