Winter War Tournament Report

Just back from Winter War, where I was trying out a Pure Harlies list (set out in the last post). Shadowseer, 2 Troupe Masters, 5 Troupes in Starweavers, a unit of 5 Skyweavers with Zephir Glaves, and 2 units of 2 with Star Bolas. It was a one day 3 game tournament,...

Winter War 2017 – List

This Saturday I'm off to Winter War 2017. Put on by a local club, it's easily the biggest one day event in Scotland - 45+ players for 40k this year!It's only three games though, so very match up dependant.Harlequins again. Pure Harliesthis time, dropping the Ravagers...

Blood and Glory List Review

The list I took to Blood and Glory was Troupe Master, Fusion Pistol, CaressTroupe Master, Fusion Pistol, Embrace (I needed 3 points!)Troupe, 5 Players, 3 Fusion Pistols, 4 EmbracesTroupe, 5 Players, 3 Fusion Pistols, 4 EmbracesTroupe, 5 Players, 2 Fusion Pistols,...

Blood and Glory Tournament Report

Back from Blood and Glory. Great tournament. I went 3-2, coming 15th out of 73. There were soft scores in play, so although I only had 18pts from my games, I got another 6 points from 3 "best games" votes (essentially sportsmanship) and 3 from "best army" votes i.e....

Harlequins List Development

A bit of an update on my thinking on Harlies, and a look forward to the next couple of months.Over the next 2 months I’ll be attending 3 large events. In ITC speak they're all GT’s, and 2 of them will be “majors”. This weekend I’m going to the Blood and Glory GT in...