Harlequins Review and Tactics

After a bit of a break, I’m back!I’ve not really had a break from 40k to be honest, just from blogging .... well at least here. I’ve actually been asked to contribute a few articles to Frontline Gamin, and my blogging time was taken up with a review for them. You may...

Harlequin List Review

So, a few thoughts on my list and some changes.The list I took wasShadowseerTroupe Master, Fusion Pistol, CarressTroupe Master, Fusion Pistol, CarressTroupe, 3 Fusion Pistols, 4 EmbracesTroupe, 3 Fusion Pistols, 4 EmbracesTroupe, 3 Fusion Pistols, 4 EmbracesTroupe, 3...

Harlequins first tournament

Took my Harlequins to their first tournament at the weekend. It did not go well!Out of a total of 80 possible points available over the weekend, i got 3, losing all 4 games. To be fair, it was a team tournament, and my list was by far the weakest list in the team, so...

Harlequins for 8th

I'm a bit late with all this 8th edition stuff I know, but I've had my "usual" (OK, it's happened twice!) break from 40k after the LVO and spent the summer getting fit and losing weight (it's all relative!!), before getting bored with that and coming back to 40k.I've...