Dark Millennium 3

I know, I know, 3 posts in as many days –what the hell’s going on – well, I’m loving playing 40k again!Just back from another weekend Tourney – Dark Millennium 3, run by a good friend. This is the 3rd year it’s run, and we had over 30 people at the weekend. Six...

LVO 2016 Games

The list I took was a variation of the Raven Guard List I played at Cally.Talon Strike ForceBattel Demi-CompanyChaplinTac Squad, melta, combi melta, Drop Pod, Locator BeaconTac Squad, melta, combi melta, Drop Pod, Locator BeaconTac Squad, melta, combi melta, Drop Pod,...

LVO 2016 Review

I’ve just about recovered from the Jet Lag caused by my trip to the LVO, so I thought I would post up a few thoughts. I’ll do it in three instalments – general review of the trip and the tournament, a (very) brief report on my games, and a list review.This is the...

Help with LVO List

Help!In just over a week I fly to Vegas for the LVO ….. and I still haven’t’ decided on my list! Or rather I haven’t decided on the detail of the list. I know I’m taking Raven Guard, and I know I’m taking a Shadowstirke Kill Team. But what else?I was at a 5 round 100...

Raven Guard

It’s been a while!It’s not that I’ve stopped playing 40k. I’ve been playing a reasonable amount. It’s just that real life has been horribly busy – children, work blah blah blah. The usual stuff. I’ve spent free time playing and painting rather than blogging.So since I...