by Brian | Aug 23, 2012
At the risk of sounding incredibly smug, I would like to say that I am lucky enough to “know a guy” here in Chicago who lives in an apartment on the 53rd floor of a building reasonably close to the city center. Here’s his view on a good day. No bad. Here’s his view...
by Brian | Aug 17, 2012
Here we go! Hyacinth Games (which now includes me. heyo!) has launched a new Kickstarter in order to help fund some extremely worthwhile happenings over at Wreck Age Central (aka: Matt’s apartment). And so… 29 days to go… If you are not at all familiar, please check...
by Brian | Aug 14, 2012
Ork skin? This is a skaven model. Indeed. He is. Indulge me for a moment. Before we begin properly, I must offer a very gracious “thank you” to Bernhard for his patience. Back in June (don’t ask me how that happened), I received an extremely kind and wonderfully...
by Brian | Aug 9, 2012
So, by Thursday afternoon, the paint-ink-and-paint had dried at long last. I gave, once more, a very dry brush to the entire table and focused specifically on the valley and rocky areas in order to give them that proper, dusty feeling. You can see here a bit better...
by Brian | Aug 6, 2012
So. Saturday’s event at Galactic Force Games, which is an unflinchingly superlative store if ever you could find one in the greater Chicagoland area, came and went in a flash of hobby glory. Thank you very much, Andy for a tremendous afternoon. I will be writing a bit...