by Brian | Apr 1, 2014
by Brian | Mar 30, 2014
Two days. Woa. I nearly missed this one. It was a very late night last night as the collective worked into the small hours packing box after box after box of promotional material. All of this and more will be given away at AdeptiCon. So. Much. More.We have flyers...
by Brian | Mar 29, 2014
Three Days.In the spirit of that tremendous number, I would like to show you three 3D renders from our sculptor-at-large, Tim Barry. These fellas (we call them Venari) are currently in the prototype phase. They represent the very best/worst of the crowd control...
by Brian | Mar 28, 2014
Four days. The pieces of this grand puzzle are coming together very well. The image above arrived just last night from Jason Engle, and the remaining bits of our AdeptiCon materials have been shipping in from all parts. I have spent an intense week working with...
by Brian | Mar 27, 2014
Five days. Here is a sneak peek at a few photos from a program that we call the Rabble. These bad boys are one of the basic Nanomei Subroutines, and they mean trouble. So close...